Liesbet (°1979) is a visual artist based in Antwerp.
She works as an individual freelance photographer for several social
and cultural centers. During the years she combines photographic
works with graphic design and digital imaging.
Inspired by relationships, connecting, cultural differences
and similarities, humanity and the issues of life, she looks
at the world around.
Liesbet teaches arts and photography to children and adults
at the Academy for Visual Arts. She also teaches at the
Educational Master in Visual Arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
in Antwerp. And she works as a freelancer within arts education.
With Studio FLUX vzw, an art collective, she is making experience
Wilrijkstraat 25
2140 Borgerhout - België
+32 (0) 498 64 92 02
liesbet.de.pooter@ telenet.be